CBS Primary Ennis

C.B.S Bunscoil na mBraithre Criostai Inis located in Ennis Co.Clare was one
of a number of schools to be constructed as a part of the Rapid Build Schools
Programme (Lot.02) for the Department of Education & Skills.

Co. Clare

CBS Primary Ennis

Lawler Consulting were commissioned as the lead services engineering consultant to form part of a wider JJ Rhatigan & Co. Design Team, to design and manage this new 3-story school, encapsulating 24 classrooms, 2 Special Needs Units, General Purpose Hall, External Play areas, and 43 space Car Park within a 12-month timeframe.

The overall implementation consisted of performing manual and computer-assisted engineering computations to ensure specific design criteria were met, as well as rigorous scheduling with the design and construction teams. There were regular site meetings to monitor the progress of the projects and provide technical solutions to project-specific issues.

Technologies such as IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) were utilized to assist in achieving the stipulated daylight levels, BER rating and for demonstrating Part L Compliance along with the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) throughout the life cycle of the project which minimized the amount of time spent on attributed to on-site coordination and allowed for the majority of the Builders Works to be completed off-site prior to installing. Upon completion, an overall BER A3 rating was successfully achieved and the developments provided the local communities a sustainable educational facility for students and teachers.

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